顶风: head wind; upwind against th ...锚泊: anchorage; anchoring; lie at ...横风流锚泊: riding athwart wind and tide; riding weather side; wind and tide横锚泊横风流锚泊: riding weather tide顶潮流锚泊: tide rode顶流锚泊: tide-rode顶风锚泊: wind-rode顶风锚泊的: wind-rode流锚: drift anchor; driftanchor; floating anchor; stream anchor顶风: 1.(迎面的风) head wind; upwind2.(迎着风) against the wind 顶风骑车 cycle against the wind; 开顶风船 sail against the wind锚泊: anchorage; anchoring; lie at anchor 这条船锚泊在西雅图港内。 the vessel lies at anchor at seattle. 船只可以在这个海湾安全锚泊。 ships find safe anchorage in the bay.; 锚泊泊位 anchoring berth; 锚泊灯 [船舶工程] anchor light; 锚泊地 dock; berthage; 锚泊装置[索具 ground tackle风流: 1.(有功绩并有文采的) distinguished and admirable 风流人物 truly great men2.(有才学但不拘礼法的) talented and romantic; talented in letters and unconventional in life style 风流才子 talented and romantic scholar3.(行为放荡的) dissolute; loose; amorous大流锚: stern anchor流锚,中锚: stream anchor; streamanchor顶风,向风: windward顶风潮: weather-going tide顶风的: close to the wind; upwind; weather顶风地: upwind顶风帆: hullock顶风浪: against weather; againstweather顶风锚: windward anchor顶风踢: play against the wind敏捷,顶风: agility逆风,顶风: against wind单锚泊: lying at single anchor; riding to single anchor