Directed by chang che , and starred by fu shing , this movie was one of the first hong kong films depicting the lives of the chinese immigrant in the us . . 由一代巨星傅声及两大艳星余莉莎邵音音主演,并有甄妮客串。影片首次将华人移民美国之遭遇及生活点滴,
Directed by chang che , and starred by fu shing , this movie was one of the first hong kong films depicting the lives of the chinese immigrant in the us 由一代巨星傅声及两大艳星余莉莎邵音音主演,并有甄妮客串。影片首次将华人移民美国之遭遇及生活点滴,搬上银幕。
The signal by way of the interior several and analogy technology processing , by the sine wave pattern actuation loudspeaker , and in constructs the vice - sound volume control and the echo function , richer is had the sound the spatial feeling 信号经由内部的数位及类比技术处理,以正弦波型式驱动喇叭,并内建副音音量控制及回音功能,令声音更丰富更有空间感。