音: sound教: teach; instruct发音教学: teaching pronunciation福音教会: ekd; full gospel church; union gospel mission福音教派: evangelical church录音教材: taped materials汝矣福音教: yoido full gospel church影音教室: video learning美国福音教会: evangelical church of america福音教会联合会: federation of evangelical churches国际四方福音教会: foursquare gospel the international church (of the基础语音教学法: phonic method婆罗洲福音教会: sib全国福音教派协会: national association of evangelicals汝矣岛纯福音教会: yoido full gospel church越南福音教总会: viet nam protestants' association语音教学与其他英语课教学的联系与渗透: on connection between english phonetics teaching and other english courses音接: ototsugu音键: keys; voice key音阶: gamut; musical scale; scale 音阶的第四音 subdominant; 音阶的第六音 submediant; 音阶的第七音 subtonic 音减轻: reduction of cardiac dullness音阶, 整个范围, 全部, 音域: gamut音价: value音阶,刻度尺标: scale音嘉: otoyoshi音阶;色域;全范围: gamut