音: sound声: sound; voice佛事: Buddhist ceremony; Buddhist ...无边音声佛顶: in all they are the eight佛事: buddhist ceremony; buddhist service 做佛事 hold a buddhist service音声: sound note preaching做佛事: hold a buddhist service作佛事: to do the works of buddha perform buddhist ceremonies有佛事活动: detour. buddhist ceremony in progress无音声: voiceless sound音声人: yin shng jn有音声: voice sound伴音声迹: audio track超音声系统: hss hyper-sonic sound system发音声级: vocal level发音音声学: articulatory phonetics蜂音声带: buzz track话音声频: voice话音声压: speech pressure录音声迹: recording track声音声学: sound听觉音声学: auditory phonetics音声博士: yin shng po shih音声单位: phonematic unit音声延迟线: acoustic delay line