音乐: music由: cause; reason喜: be happy; be delighted; bepl ...多: many; much; more制作: fabrication; make; manufactu ...其: his主题: theme; subject; topical subj ...曲: qu,a type of verse for singi ...其主题曲“月亮河”: moon river喜多郎: after the rain; kitarō; the soong sister by kitaro利喜多郎: rikitaro主题曲: do you know theme from nahoghany; evergreen love theme from a star is born; evergreen-love theme from "a star is; evergreen-love theme from a star is born; exodus; into the west; lara's theme; may it be; theme music; theme song宋家王朝─喜多郎: the soong sister by kitaro主题,主题曲,主旋律: theme奥斯卡最佳原创音乐奖电影《火战车》主题曲: chariots of fire(刺鸟)主题曲: theme from the thornbirds爱的主题曲: tema d'amore电影“夺标”主题曲: my way魂链主题曲: soul link extension吉芬主题曲: theme of geffen教父主题曲: theme from the godfather拉,拉主题曲: lara' s theme萌单主题曲: moetan莎木主题曲: shenmue main theme神话-主题曲: dj david