保险: insure; guarantee; insurance公社: primitive commune commune韩国保险公司: korean insurance corp韩国输出保险公社: korea export insurance corporation帝国保险公司: empire insurance co法国保险公司: assurances generales de france; coface; francaise d'assurance compagnie; french insurance company全国保险公司: allstate; nationwide insurance co中国保险公司: cic美国保诚保险公司: the prudential insurance company of america英国保诚保险公司: prudential assurance company limited俄罗斯美国保险公司: russian american insurance company苏黎士美国保险公司: zurich american insurance company英国保险公会北大西洋保险区域: british north atlantic英国保险公会北美洲保险区域: british north america英国保险公会北婆罗洲保险区域: british north borneo韩国自动车保险公司: korea automobile fire & marine insurance co., ltd美国保险: insurance structure全国保险: nationwide insurance enterprise韩国道路公社: korea highway corp韩国电力公社: korea electric power corp韩国放送公社: korean broadcasting system韩国观光公社: korea national tourism corp; korea tourism organization; korean national tourism organization韩国广播公社: korean broadcasting system韩国检定公社: korean adjusters and surveyors corp韩国燃气公社: korea gas corp