Noan webster had asked for a genuine american style . 诺亚韦伯斯特早已呼吁创造一种纯粹美国的文体。
The sweat stood upon daniel webster's brow, but his voice was clear . 丹尼尔韦伯斯特的额头上尽是汗珠,可是他的话音很清楚。
Daniel webster twisted and turned and thumped his fist on the table . 丹尼尔韦伯斯特辗转腾挪,使出了浑身解数,还用拳头使劲儿捶桌子。
Danl webster looked at the distracted man, all gray and shaking in the firelight, and laid a hand on his shoulder . 丹尼尔韦伯斯特望着那心急如焚的人,在炉火映照下,脸色灰败,身子发抖,于是便把手按在他的肩膀上。