Different bait feeding comparison for crassostrea gigas larvae 太平洋牡蛎面盘幼虫不同饵料的投喂比较
The inner spindle protrudesfrom the gear - box and contians a means for mounting various types ofchucks , face plats , and dog plates on it 变速箱中突出的内轴含有接口,可连接各种型号的卡盘,面盘,狗盘。
面: face盘: tray; plate; dish面盘幼虫期: veliger stage面盘幼体: veliger larva全面盘存: wall to wall inventory; wall-to-wall inventory硬分扇面盘: hard sectored disk硬扇面盘: hard sectored disk帐面盘存: book inventory帐面盘存表: book inventory sheet帐面盘存法: book inventory method帐面盘存制: book inventory system帐面盘点表: book inventory sheet帐面盘点法: book inventory method具足面盘幼体: pediveliger larva球面盘三脚架: spherical catripod帐面盘存记录: book inventory records柱面盘面索引: cylinder-surface index帐面盘存, 帐面存货: book inventory帐面盘存,帐面存货: book inventory账面存货,账面盘存: book inventory海鸥正在船上面盘旋: the seagulls were wheeling in the air above the ship. linger全面盘存, 彻底盘存, 全部库存: complete inventory面能亢进: hyperactivity面嫩: (容易害差) timid; sensitive 他和生人谈话简直像小孩子一样面嫩。 he shows an almost childlike timidity in talking with strangers面庞: contours of the face; face; visage 圆圆的面庞 a round face面内振动: in plane vibration; in-plane vibration