靠: lean against某人: a certain person的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...施舍: give alms; give in charity过日子: live; get along过日子: live; get along 勤俭过日子 live industriously and frugally; 他收入不多, 但很会过日子。 his income is not much, but he manages to live quite well on it流浪女士们从不拒绝别人的施舍: wandering ladies never refuse what is offered过日子俭省: live economically好好过日子: live good勉强过日子: rub勤俭过日子: live industriously and frugally上车,生活,过日子: get on挺会过日子: can manage to get along quite well做工过日子: labour for subsistence靠乞讨过日子: scrounge a living使某人的日子过得快活: no.to make somebody's day吊儿郎当的过日子: loiter吊儿郎当过日子: lounge规规矩矩过日子: live 1进展;过日子,生活;相处融洽: get along (with)靠小聪明过日子: live by one's wits; live by one’s wits她过日子很仔细: she is frugal of her expenses不吵不闹地一起过日子: rub along together不要靠算计人过日子: don't be scheming against others all the time靠施展小聪明过日子: wit 1