The use of the word " bank " in the names of non - banking businesses is carefully regulated by the hkma 对非银行机构使用银行名称,金管局进行非常审慎的监管。
We thus face a dilemma in respect of retail payment services , particularly those not run by banks 由此可见,我们面对零售支付服务,尤其非银行机构提供的服务实在感到有点矛盾。
Should have the right to appoint the chairman of the virtual bank and the chairman should have a casting vote 。若银行与非银行机构组成合营企业,各持有50 %股权,则有关银行或等同机构应有权委任虚拟银行的主席,而主席应享有决定票。
I am grateful to joseph yam for lending me the use of the viewpoint column to explain the hkma s policy on the use of " banking names " by companies that are not banks 很感谢总裁任志刚腾出本栏,让我解释一下金管局对非银行机构使用银行名称的政策。
The funds thus obtained are traded among the banks and lent out to non - banks , either in the original currency or after having been converted into another currency 这样筹集到的资金在银行之间融通,或者借贷给非银行机构,有的用原币,有的已兑换成另一种货币。