

  • non decreasing function


        :    mistake; wrong; errors
        衰减:    attenuation; decay; damping; ...
        函数:    function
        衰减函数:    attenuation function
        距离衰减函数:    range-attenuation function
        能量衰减函数:    energy decay function
        振幅衰减函数:    amplitude decay function
        指数衰减函数:    decaying exponential function
        非衰减声影:    unattenuated shadow
        非衰减通量:    undepleted flux
        非衰减性:    unremittance
        非衰减振荡:    undamped oscillation; undamped vibration
        不减函数 非减函数:    nondecreasingfunction
        不减函数:    nondecreasing function
        单递减函数:    monotone decreasing function
        递减函数:    decreasing function; diminishing function
        非减函数:    nondecreasing function
        渐减函数:    decrescent function
        单调递减函数:    monotone decreasing function; monotonic decreasing function
        单调非减函数:    increasing function; monotone nondecreasing function; monotonenondecreasingfunction; monotonically nondecreasing function
        严格递减函数:    strictly decreasing function
        严格单调递减函数:    strictly monotone decreasing function
        增函数 单调非减函数 递增函数 上升函数:    increasingfunction
        衰减指数函数:    decaying exponential function
        衰减:    attenuation; decay; damping; reduction; rejection; weakening; deamplification; dampening; dying out◇衰减测定装置 attenuation measuring device; 衰减测量 attenuation measurement; 衰减等级 class of attenuation; 衰减电路 attenuator circuit; 衰减电压 evanescent voltage; 衰减度 degree of decay; 衰减范围 attenuation range; 衰减管 attenuator tube; 衰减计 [测量器] decremeter; 衰减量 decrement; 衰减率 attenuation ratio; failure rate; rate of fall; 衰减曲线 die-away curve; 衰减失真 attenuation distortion; 衰减速度 rate of decay; 衰减系数 attenuation coefficient; 衰减因数 attenuation factor; damping factor; 衰减阻抗 damped impedance


  1. "非数字写码"英文
  2. "非数字信息"英文
  3. "非数字运算"英文
  4. "非数字状态"英文
  5. "非数字字符"英文
  6. "非衰减声影"英文
  7. "非衰减通量"英文
  8. "非衰减性"英文
  9. "非衰减振荡"英文
  10. "非栓塞性的"英文


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