

  • non-administrative employees


        :    mistake; wrong; errors
        行政:    administration
        雇员:    employee
        美国州县市政雇员联合会:    american federation of state county and municipal employees
        非行:    delinquency
        雇员:    employee◇雇员福利 employee welfare; 雇员考核 employees rating; evalution of employee; 雇员手册 employee handbook; 雇员协会 employee association
        非行险:    flight risk
        非行少年非行少年:    delinquent juvenile
        非行文化非行文化:    delinquent culture
        非行次文化:    delinquent subculture
        非行地带:    delinquency area; delinquent area
        非行团伙:    delinquent gang
        非行团体:    delinquent group
        惊骇非行:    stunt flying
        地面参照非行:    terrestrial-reference flight
        东非行动计划:    eastern africa action plan
        雅可非行列式:    jacobian determinant
        行政:    administration 腐败的行政管理 corrupt administration; 教师向学校行政负责。 the teachers are responsible to the school administration.; 行政部门 administrative department; administrative unit; executive branch; administration; 行政处分 disciplinary sanction; 行政处罚 administrative penalty; 行政单位 administrative unit; 行政当局 executive authorities; 行政法规 administrative laws and regulatios; 行政法院 administrative court; 行政机构 administrative machinery; civil service; 行政机关 administrative organ; 行政拘留 administrative attachment; 行政立法 administrative legislation; 行政命令 administrative decree; administrative order; 行政区 administrative area; 行政人员 administrative personnel; administrative staff; 行政审计 administrative audit; 行政手段 administrative means; 行政司法 administrative judicature; 行政诉讼 administrative lawsuit [procedure]; 行政预算 administrative budget; 行政长官 chief executive; 行政职能 administrative function; 行政职务 administrative rank
        雇工,雇员:    employee
        雇员,雇工:    employee
        雇员数:    number of employees
        雇员证:    employee id card
        职工,雇员:    employee
        职员,雇员:    angestellte, der/die (dekl. wie adj.); employee
        准雇员:    prospective employee


  1. "非行少年非行少年"英文
  2. "非行团伙"英文
  3. "非行团体"英文
  4. "非行文化非行文化"英文
  5. "非行险"英文
  6. "非性"英文
  7. "非性病梅毒"英文
  8. "非性病性地方性梅毒"英文
  9. "非性病性梅毒"英文
  10. "非性的"英文


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