非: mistake; wrong; errors虚假: false; sham中断: suspend; break off; disconti ...假中断: spurious interrupt非虚拟: non-virtual虚假: false; sham 虚假的安全感 a false sense of security; 虚假的可能性 spurious possibility; 虚假的现象 a fictitious phenomenon; 虚假的需求[要] fictitious demand; 虚假的社会购买力 fictitious social purchasing power; 虚假的友谊 hypocritical friendship; 她向我们表示了虚假的热情。 she showed simulated enthusiasm towards us. 他的爱情完全是虚假的, 他真正要的是她的钱。 his love was a mere sham, what he really wanted was her money假中裂: false median cleft假中轴: pseudocolumella; pseudocoumella假中碛: median pseudomoraine空假中: as separate ideas请假中: be on leave休假中: on leave absent with permission传言非虚: it's not just hearsay. pass on a message speak非虚构转让: non-fictitious transfer非虚无假设: non-null hypothesis决非虚掷: money spent on the brain is never spent in vain假中间箱: false cheek假中性沸石: pseudomesolite假中央窝: pseudofovea在病假中: be on sick leave在度假中: on vacation在休假中: on holiday中断: 1.(中途停止或断绝) suspend; break off; discontinue; severance 中断和那个国家的贸易 (货运, 谈判, 接触) suspend trade with that country (freight transportation, negotiation, contact); 中断谈判 break off the negotiations; 中断履行合同义务 suspend performance of obligations; 交通中断了几小时。 traffic was held up for a few hours. 从那时起这个行业的发展就没有中断过。 since that time the industry has never looked back.2.[计算机] interrupt; interception; hiatus;lapse;blocking (振荡) 虚假的: barmecide; deceptive; false; fictious; fictitious; illusive; illusory; insincere; mendacious; phantom; sham; untrue虚假地: phonily