非洲: Africa非洲环境学会: african environmental society非洲环境部长会议: conference of african ministers of environment非洲环境发展议程: african environment and development agenda非洲环境统计概要: african compendium of environment statistics非洲环境和非洲中心: centre for environment and development of africa非洲环境法联合项目: joint project on environmental law in africa非洲环境规划研究会: african environment association非洲环境和发展机构: environment and development in africa非洲环境和国家发展: emvironment and national development in africa; enda非洲环境和可持续发展网: network for environment and sustainable development in africa非洲环境合作开罗方案: cairo programme of african cooperation on the environment非洲环境问题部长级会议: african ministerial conference on environment非洲环境信息合作管理网: network for the cooperative management of environmental information in africa非洲环境训练和管理方案: environmental training and management in africa programme非洲环境与国家发展组织: enda; environment and national development in africa国际保护非洲环境协会: enviro protect; enviro-protect; international association for the protection of the environmentin africa国际环境日: world environment day世界环境日: international environment day; welt-umwelttag m; world environment day非洲环发网: nesda非洲环境和生态发展合作开罗方案: cairo programme for african cooperation on environment and eco-development非洲环境监测区域技术合作网: regional technical cooperation network in africa on environmental monitoring非洲环境影响评估高级别会议: african high-level meeting on environmental impact assessment欧洲环境节: european environmental欧洲环境局: eeb; european environment agency; european environmental bureau