非洲: Africa区域: area; beat; reach; domain; p ...粮食: grain; cereals; food和: mix; blend营养: nutrition; nourishment; pabu ...发展: develop; expand; grow; burge ...非洲粮食和营养国际十年: international decade on food and nutrition in africa非洲粮食和营养十年: africa decade of food and nutrition非洲粮食和营养研究组织: african food and nutrition research agency粮食和营养监测: food and nutrition surveillance粮食和营养政策: food and nutrition policy非洲粮食和营养科学理事会: african council of food and nutrition science粮食和营养调查促进国民发展国际会议: international conference on food and nutritional surveillance for national development亚洲区域粮食数据网会议: asian regional infoods conference国际粮食和营养政策方案: international food and nutrition policy programme国家粮食和营养监测系统: sistema nacional de vigilancia alimentaria nutricional加勒比粮食和营养研究所: caribbean food and nutrition institute加勒比粮食和营养中心: caribbean food and nutrition centre粮食和营养监测方案: food and nutritional surveillance programme; foodandnutritionalsurveillanceprogramme粮食和营养信息系统: food and nutrition information system坦桑尼亚粮食和营养中心: tanzania food and nutrition centre机构间粮食和营养监测方案: interagency food and nutrition surveillance programme机构间粮食和营养监督方案: inter-agency food and nutrition surveillance programme粮食和营养监测系统技术合作网: food and nutrition surveillance system technical cooperation network妇女参与发展工作队: taskforceonwomenindevelopment