非洲: Africa公路: highway非洲道路会议: conference on african roads国际公路会议常设委员会: permanent international association of road congress非洲公路总计划十年: decade of the african highway master plan横贯非洲公路管理局: trans-africanhighwayauthority横贯非洲公路协调委员会: tah; trans african highway coordinating committee; trans-african highway coordinating committee世界道路会议: world road conference非洲公报: bulletin africain高速公路会交点: slip road亚洲公路方案: asian highway project联合非洲公司: uac; united africa co国际固态电路会议: international solid state circuit convention国际固体电路会议: isscc国际铁路会议协会: international railway congress association; irca非洲公共服务公司: african co. of public services斯特拉福非洲公司: strafor afrique s.a国际道路会议常设委员会: permanent international association of road congresses; piarc亚洲公路协调委员会: asian highway coordinating committee亚洲公路运输技术局: asian highway transport technical bureau; asianhighwaytransporttechnicalbureau; ttb亚洲和澳洲公路工程协会: road engineering association of asia and australasia非洲公共图书馆发展协会: association pour le developpement des bibliotheques publiques en africque非洲公共行政和管理协会: aapam; african association for public administration and management非洲公共行政与管理协会: african association for public administration and management非洲公务员制度宪章: charter for the public service in africa