He first resolved to fight it through civil disobedience 他首先采取非暴力反抗。
When justice is infringed on , people may adopt the conscience rejection - the non - violence revolt to refuse to abide the law 对正义的严重侵犯下,人们可以采取良心拒绝、非暴力反抗的方式拒绝服从法律。
非暴力: non-injury; non-violence反抗: revolt; resist; react非暴力反抗运动: a campaign of civil disobedience非暴力: non-injury; non-violence◇非暴力不合作主义 [政治学] satyagraha; 非暴力反抗 civil disobedience非暴力的: non violent; nonviolent非暴力抵抗: satyagraha非暴力地: nonviolently非暴力死: nonviolent death非暴力死亡: nonviolent death非暴力通信: nvc非暴力行为: nonviolence; non-violent action非暴力运动: non-violent movement非暴力主义: nonviolence◇非暴力主义者 exponent of nonviolence非暴力罪犯: nonviolent offenders; nonviolentoffender奋力反抗: do all one can in resistance强力反抗: buck非暴力教育年: year of education for non-violence非暴力平和队: nonviolent peaceforce非暴力性死亡: non-violent death非暴力主义者: exponent of nonviolence竭力反对, 反抗, 抗议: kick against at非暴力不合作运动: satyagraha movement非暴力不合作主义: satyagraha非暴力行动委员会: committee for non violent action; committee for non-violent action和平非暴力文化: culture of peace and non-violence