非: mistake; wrong; errors政府: government组织: organization; organized syst ...资源: natural resources; resource动力: motive power; power; dynamic促进: promote; advance; boost; acc ...社会发展: social development联盟: alliance; coalition; league; ...非政府组织促进设立国际刑事法院联盟: ngo coalition for the establishment of an international criminal court非政府组织: initiatives of change; ngo non governmental organization; ngo nongovernmental organization; ngos; non-government organization; non-governmental organisation (ngo); non-governmental organization ngo; oxus development network; quango论非政府组织建设与公民社会的发展: view on construct ngos and development the civil society南非全国非政府组织联盟: south african national ngo coalition欧洲社会非政府组织平台: platform of european social ngos非政府组织发展教育干事: ngo development education officer非政府组织发展委员会: ngo committee on development非政府组织和发展管理: msc ngo and development management非政府组织处: non-governmental organizations office非政府组织股: non-governmental organizations unit非政府组织科: ngo section非政府组织日: day of non-governmental organizations非政府组织司: division for non-governmental organizations非政府组织网: ngo-net施政促进社会发展区域讲习班: regional workshoon governance for social development非政府组织论坛促进委员会: ngo forum facilitating committee合作促进发展联盟: unicos