非: mistake; wrong; errors拨入: dial-in; dialing in非拨号干线: nondial trunks拨入口: dial-in port转拨入……: transfer to拨入备放款: appropriations for loans拨入操作: dial-in operation; dila-in connection拨入储备: appreciation of the reserve; appropriation reserve拨入访问: dial-in access拨入服务: dial in service拨入连接: dial-in connection拨入群控器: dial-in cluster; dial-incluster拨入网络: dial-in network拨入专款: restricted appropriation轻拨入篮: tap in; up-in轻拨入网: tap in the ball网络拨入: network in-dialing直接拨入: ddi direct dialing in; ddi direct-dialing-in; did; direct dialing-in ddi; direct inward dialing拨入放款基金: appropriations loan fund公司拨入资金: funds from head office群外直接拨入: out-groudirect dialing-in拨入放款基金积余: cumulative earnings on appropriated loan fund母公司拨入资金: funds from parent company外线直接拨入分机: direct in dialing直接拨入(内部分机): direct inward dialing