Therefore , research work on the control of nonholonomic systems has wide applications and important potential values 因此,非完整系统的控制研究具有广泛应用背景和重要应用价值。
Typical nonholonomic systems include cars , mobile robots , some of the space robots , underwater robots , and so on 典型的受非完整约束系统(简称非完整系统)包括车辆、移动机器人、某些空间机器人、水下机器人等。
Nonholonomic machine system has a character that the number of dimensions of input space is fewer than that of controllable posture space 非完整系统的运动约束不可积,因而具有可用较少的控制输入数确定其比控制输入空间维数大的位形空间内的运动。
As a typical model of the nonholonomic system , the nonholonomic characteristic of wheeled mobile robot arises from the wheel which is rolling without slipping 轮式移动机器人是典型的非完整系统,其非完整特性体现在车轮本身的纯滚动而无滑动限制上。
The nonholonomic system , constraints of which are presented by the differential eguations , is defiend the mechanical system where differential eguations are not integral 非完整系统是指具有用微分方程表示的约束,且这微分方程不可积分的机械系统。