This is simple , but must be done in a non - traditional way 这很简单,但是必须以非传统的方式进行。
The sina acquisition is to inspire more non - traditional thinking 新浪被收购带来更多非传统的思考。
Instead of traditional readings , the class studied the following precedents as a precursor to their work 课程在研究学生作品前先研究下列先例,而非传统的阅读资料。
Despite its name , mfn is not a privileged status accorded only to our closest allies and friends 但为因应后冷战时代新的、非传统的威胁与挑战,我们不能再单靠这些传统的联盟。
Warfare , both conventional and unconventional , tended to unfold in campaigns of predictable and relatively short duration 战争,包括传统的和非传统的,趋向于沿着持续时间可以预见的和相对较短的战役模式展开。