非: mistake; wrong; errors书面: written; in written form; in ...协定: agreement; accord; treaty书面协定: agreement in writing; written agreement书面协议: agreement in writing; agreement-as-written; written agreement西非书面语言: n'ko全面协定: overall agreement非书面买卖协议: unwritten sale agreement片面协定税则: unilateral conventional tariff system远端桌面协定: remote desktop protocol串列线介面协定: sli/ ppp serial line interface protocol / point to point protoco; sli/ ppp, serial line interface protocol / point to point protoco片面协定税则制: unilateral conventional tariff system战争水险水面协定: water-borne agreement战争险水面协定: water borne agreement和平解决的军事方面协定: agreement on the military aspects of the peace settlement书面: written; in written form; in writing 他给了我书面保证。 he gave me assurance in black and white.; 书面报告 reading report; 书面裁决 written decision; 书面材料 written material; 书面陈述 recitation; 书面答复 written reply; answer in writing; 书面合同 written contract; 书面控告 written accusation; 书面判决 written judgement; 书面契约 written agreement; written contract; 书面声明 written statement [declaration]; 书面通知 written notice; 书面语 written language; literary language; 书面证据 documentary evidence; 书面纸 cover paper非书媒体: nbm nonbook media非书写的: nuncuptative非书资料: non-book materials纯帐面协议: net book agreement全面协商: full round of consultations协定: 1.(协商而订的条款) agreement; accord; treaty 贷款协定 loan agreement; 军事停战协定 armistice agreement; 君子协定 gentlemen's agreement; 科学技术合作协定 agreement on scientific and technical cooperation; 临时协定 provisional agreement; 买卖双方的私下协定 private treaty; 贸易协定 trade agreement; 停火协定 cease- fire agreement; 文化合作协定 agreement on cultural cooperation; 一般协定 general agreement; 支付协定 payment agreement2.(协商订立) reach an agreement on sth.; 协定费率 joint rate; 协定关税 conventional duty; conventional tariff;agreement tariff;agreed tariff;fixed tariff duties; 协定价 agreement price; 协定贸易 agreement trade; trade by agreement; 协定税率 conventional tariff; 协定条款 articles of agreement; 协定运费率 agreed rate口头的,非书写的: nuncuptative远程桌面协议: rdp; remote desktop protocol布书面: [印刷] clothback