

  • quiet error
  • 静止:    static; motionless; at a sta ...
  • 误差:    error
  • 静止:    static; motionless; at a standstill 不要静止地孤立地看待事物。 don't view things as static and isolated. 生活永远不是静止的。 life is never at a standstill. 形而上学宇宙观用孤立的、静止的和片面的观点去看世界。 the metaphysical world outlook sees things as isolated, static and one-sided.; 静止不动 transfixion; 静止场 [物理学] static field; 静止电极 stationary electrode; 静止电位 [电学] rest potential; 静止通信卫星 stationary communication satellite; 静止图像 still image; 静止位置 resting position; unoperated position; 静止卫星 fixed satellite; stationary satellite; 静止卫星导航系统 navigation system of stationary satellite; 静止状态 condition of rest; idle state; quiescent conditions; state of rest
  • 防止误动:    pl parental lock
  • 防止误写:    write protected


        静止:    static; motionless; at a sta ...
        误差:    error
        静止:    static; motionless; at a standstill 不要静止地孤立地看待事物。 don't view things as static and isolated. 生活永远不是静止的。 life is never at a standstill. 形而上学宇宙观用孤立的、静止的和片面的观点去看世界。 the metaphysical world outlook sees things as isolated, static and one-sided.; 静止不动 transfixion; 静止场 [物理学] static field; 静止电极 stationary electrode; 静止电位 [电学] rest potential; 静止通信卫星 stationary communication satellite; 静止图像 still image; 静止位置 resting position; unoperated position; 静止卫星 fixed satellite; stationary satellite; 静止卫星导航系统 navigation system of stationary satellite; 静止状态 condition of rest; idle state; quiescent conditions; state of rest
        防止误动:    pl parental lock
        防止误写:    write protected
        防止误动锁定:    pl parental lock
        防止误操作的设备:    fool proof apparatus
        防止误消磁装置:    accidental erasing protector
        误差:    error 平均误差 mean error; average error; 仪器误差 instrumental error; 概然误差 probable error; 行星观测上位置与计算上位置间的误差 the error of a planet; 误差极微的精密零件 precision parts with very close tolerances; 误差不超过千分之三毫米 with a tolerance of less than three-thousandths of a millimetre; 误差分析 error analysis; 误差概率 probability of error; 误差估计 error estimate; 误差函数 error function; 误差量 extent of error; 误差率 error rate
        核静止:    karyostasis
        静止;沉寂:    quiescence
        静止吧:    be still my soul
        静止波:    standing wave
        静止层:    quiescent layers
        静止场:    static field
        静止床:    static bed
        静止的:    dead; dormant; immobile; inactive; motionless; quiescent; quiet; resting; sedentary; self-centered; stagnant; standing; static; stationary; stillstand; stockstill; undisturbed
        静止地:    limpidly; quescently; statically
        静止点:    rest point
        静止锋:    stationary front; stationaryfront
        静止核:    metabolic nucleus; nuclei at rest; resting nucleus
        静止环:    stationary seat
        静止角:    angle of loll; angle of pepose; angle of rest; friction angle; natural angle of repose; repose angle; static angle of repose
        静止瘤:    resting tumor
        静止率:    statics rate


  1. "静止卫星导航系统"英文
  2. "静止卫星广播区域"英文
  3. "静止稳定"英文
  4. "静止稳压器"英文
  5. "静止无功补偿器"英文
  6. "静止吸入高度"英文
  7. "静止细胞"英文
  8. "静止细胞集团"英文
  9. "静止陷阱"英文
  10. "静止线"英文


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