静止: static; motionless; at a sta ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...海水: seawater; brine; the sea荡: swing; sway; wave动: harness cause disorder stir ...时: shí]便: quiet and comfortable成: accomplish; succeed波涛: billows; great waves静止的: dead; dormant; immobile; inactive; motionless; quiescent; quiet; resting; sedentary; self-centered; stagnant; standing; static; stationary; stillstand; stockstill; undisturbed花崇拜时便成了果实: the leaf becomes flower when it loves. the flower becomes fruit when it worships半静止的: semi-quiescent长期静止的: long dormant; long-dormant冬眠的,静止的: dormant对地静止的: geosynchronous非静止的: astatical; non-static核静止的: karyostatic静止的, 不动的: stock-still静止的, 静的: statical静止的,不变的: stationary静止的,停滞的: stationary静止的交通: static traffic静止的生活: still life静止的状态: stationary使静止的: statikos causing to stand