

  • stationary dislocation
  • 静止:    static; motionless; at a sta ...
  • :    place; location
  • :    wrong; mistaken; erroneous
  • 静止位置:    dead position; position of rest; rest position; resting position
  • 异常静止位置:    off normal rest condition


        静止:    static; motionless; at a sta ...
        :    place; location
        :    wrong; mistaken; erroneous
        静止位置:    dead position; position of rest; rest position; resting position
        异常静止位置:    off normal rest condition
        停车位置静止位置:    unoperated position
        位错:    bit error; dislocations; linear defects
        禁止位:    inhibit bit
        起止位:    start stobit
        停止位:    sto it; stobit; stop bits
        息止位:    rest position; rest-position
        终止位:    bit stop; stobit
        静止:    static; motionless; at a standstill 不要静止地孤立地看待事物。 don't view things as static and isolated. 生活永远不是静止的。 life is never at a standstill. 形而上学宇宙观用孤立的、静止的和片面的观点去看世界。 the metaphysical world outlook sees things as isolated, static and one-sided.; 静止不动 transfixion; 静止场 [物理学] static field; 静止电极 stationary electrode; 静止电位 [电学] rest potential; 静止通信卫星 stationary communication satellite; 静止图像 still image; 静止位置 resting position; unoperated position; 静止卫星 fixed satellite; stationary satellite; 静止卫星导航系统 navigation system of stationary satellite; 静止状态 condition of rest; idle state; quiescent conditions; state of rest
        呼叫停止位:    call park
        起止位, 起停位:    start stop bit
        锁止位置:    lock position
        停止位选项:    stop bits option
        停止位元:    stocharacter
        停止位置:    closed position; idle position
        下颌息止位:    rest position of mandible
        终止位点:    termination site
        刀具停止位置:    stopping position
        过渡停止位置:    transition stops
        计数器禁止位:    counter inhibit
        截止位移光纤:    cut-off shifted fiber


  1. "静止图象电视电话"英文
  2. "静止土压力"英文
  3. "静止土压力系数"英文
  4. "静止土压系数"英文
  5. "静止网膜象"英文
  6. "静止位置"英文
  7. "静止卫星"英文
  8. "静止卫星导航系统"英文
  9. "静止卫星广播区域"英文
  10. "静止稳定"英文


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