Weiss kessel anlagen maschinenbau gmbh is well - known not only in dillenburg with silos of steel , vertical - tube radiant boilers and boiler plants as well as with long - distance heating plants , dust extracting installations and combustion chamber boiler , but also with further offers , like thermal oil , heat plants and / or mechanical boiler furnaces , air and dust extraction technology and steam boilers and steam generators Weiss kessel anlagen maschinenbau gmbh是一家生产不同尺寸燃烧室,除尘装置,远程供热装置,锅炉设备,热油,钢板结构青贮塔,立管锅炉,热设备,蒸气锅炉和蒸气机,机械燃烧锅炉,空气-除尘技术的企业。