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        青春:    youth; youthfulness
        残酷:    cruel; brutal; inhuman; ruth ...
        少年:    early youth juvenile; young ...
        青春残酷物语:    a story of the cruelties of youth; cruel story of youth; naked youth; seishun zankoku monogatari
        青春残酷物语(大岛渚):    a story of the cruelties of youth
        青春残酷物语(日):    seishun zankoku monogatari
        青春少年之时:    salad days
        我那美好残酷的青春:    pleasant days; szé
        残酷:    cruel; brutal; inhuman; ruthless 残酷暴戾 cruel and fierce; 残酷斗争, 无情打击 (to subject sb. to) ruthless struggle and relentless attack; 残酷竞争 cutthroat competition; 残酷迫害 ruthlessly to persecute sb.; 残酷统治 rule sb. with a rod of iron; rule with an iron hand; 战争的残酷 brutalities of war; 残酷虐待某人 practise cruelty to sb.; 残酷剧 [剧] theater of cruelty; 残酷行为 brutal act; 残酷性 ruthlessness
        青春:    youth; youthfulness 把青春献给祖国 give one's youth to the motherland; 充满着青春的活力 full of youth and vigour; 焕发了革命青春 regain one's revolutionary vigour; 永葆青春 keep one's spirit young; 虚度青春 waste one's springtime; 她善于保养她的青春。 she keeps her youth well
        少女怀孕,青少年妊娠,青春期妊娠:    teenage pregnancy
        春残魂断:    stolen hours
        春残梦断:    broken dream; broken spring dreams
        春残燕未归:    no sign of the swallow's return
        少年:    1.(人从10岁至16岁的阶段) early youth2.(10岁至16岁的人) juvenile; young person; teen-age youths◇少年单打 boys' and girls' singles; 少年读物 juvenile books; books for young people; 少年法庭 juvenile court; children's court; 少年工作 work among children; 少年宫 children's palace; 少年管教 juvenile supervision and education; 少年图书馆 junior library; 少年先锋队 young pioneers; 少年业余体校 children's sparetime sports school; 少年营 children's camp; 少年运动员 juvenile athlete; 少年之家 children's centre; children's club
        残酷,兽行:    brutality
        残酷的:    brutish; cruel; cutthroat; inclement; ironfisted; merciless; red; relentless; rude; truculent; unmerciful
        残酷地:    atrociously; bitterly; cruelly; inhumanly; mercilessly; relentlessly
        残酷剧:    theater of cruelty
        残酷性:    ruthlessness
        残酷者:    el bruto
        残酷之:    brutal
        使残酷:    inhumanize
        试看春残花渐落:    see how when spring begins to fail
        『天下无双』♀残酷:    a_mtv


  1. "青春变成了回忆"英文
  2. "青春变魔术"英文
  3. "青春不设防"英文
  4. "青春不再"英文
  5. "青春不羁"英文
  6. "青春残酷物语"英文
  7. "青春残酷物语(大岛渚)"英文
  8. "青春残酷物语(日)"英文
  9. "青春草莓蛋"英文
  10. "青春差馆"英文


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