青: blue or green地: the earth虫: insect; worm青地虫属: aojia青地: aochi; aoji; tuff&地虫磷: dyfonate; fonofos掘地虫: ankheg发青地: pallidly青地牧: maki aochi青青地: palely巴兰地虫症: balantidiases; balantidiasis地虫硫磷: fonofos地虫硫膦: fonofos代次青地: kiyoji aochi沥青地面: a halt floor; asphalt floor finish; asphalt flooring沥青地坪: asphalt ground沥青地毯: deadner沥青地原油: asphalt base crude oil沥青地砖: asphalt tile青地公美: kumi aochi天青地白: japanese cudweed herb; japanese ra erry root; japanese raspberry root青地白龙纹尊: whitedragondesignonbluegroundvessel硬煤沥青地沥青混合料: pitch bitumen青滴漏: pitch drop experiment青点: bluish green spotted; bluishgreenspotted青灯照壁人初睡: a green lamlights the wall as sleeenfolds her