霍: suddenly; quickly尼: Buddhist nun拉: cut; slash; slit和平: peace协议: agree on和平协议: peace deal安哥拉和平协定: acordos de paz para angola; peace accords for angola伦敦和平协议: london peace accords全面和平协议: comprehensive peace agreement阿富汗和平协议: afghan peace accord中美洲和平协议: central american peace accord霍尼拉: honiara波黑和平协议执行理事会: peace implementation council; pic伊塔马拉蒂和平协议: itamaraty peace accord霍尼拉倡议: honiara initiative霍尼拉宣言: honiara declaration和平协定: gfap北约波黑和平协议执行部队: nato led implementation force; nato-led implementation force -- ifor; nato_led implementation force __ ifor北约执行波黑和平协议部队英军师: british division of the nato led implementation force ifor; british division of the nato-led implementation force -- ifor; british division of the nato_led implementation force __ ifor巴黎和平协定: paris peace accords巴黎和平协约: paris peace accords代顿和平协定: dayton peace agreement dayton agreement妇女和平协会: femmes pour la paix各项和平协定: acuerdos de paz国际和平协会: international peace academy