It seemed to him as possible of proof as of confutation and the nomenclature employed in its selenographical charts as attributable to verifiable intuition as to fallacious analogy : the lake of dreams , the sea of rains , the gulf of dews , the ocean of fecundity 据他看来,对这一点提出论证和反证的可能性是一样大的。月面图中所使用的梦沼雨海湿海丰富海等学术用语既可以归之于直观的产物,也可以归之于谬误的类推。
雨: rain雨海纪: imbrian雨海系: imbrian早雨海代: lower imbrian风风雨雨海菲兹: callas雨过天晴意指: after a storm comes a calm雨过天晴苦尽甘来: after a storm comes a calm雨害: rain damage雨过天晴白云朵朵: flimsy white clouds dot the rain washed sky雨和彩虹: rain &rainbow雨过天晴(否极泰来): after a storm comes a calm雨和电的天使啊,在他们: angels of rain and lightning: there are spread雨过天晴,白云朵朵: Flimsy white clouds dot the rain-washed sky.