雨季: rainy season; monsoon; wet-s ...开始: begin; start; initiate; comm ...时: shí]我们: we预料: expect; predict; bargain for ...有: 5年 fifteen years闷热的天气: oppressive weather; muggy we ...闷热的天气: oppressive weathermuggy weathersultry weather湿热的天气: sticky weather炎热的天气: torrid weather在销售旺季开始时赶到: to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season人们预料是……: be expected to be闷热的: frowzy; fuggy; humid/muggy; sticky; sultry; sweltering在这样热的天气: in this heat开始时: at the beginning; first of all闷热的房间: stuffy room闷热天气: muggy weather; oppressive weather; sultry weather他们预料你会早到: they figured on your arriving early我们相互温存,在这漫长闷热的夏夜: making love on a long hot summer’s night从开始时: from the outset发射开始时: emit start开始时读数: opening reading开始时间: elapsed time; opening hours; scratch; start time; time opening; timeon; zero hour开始时刻: zero hour; zero-hour开始时新: c ome into fashion; come into fashion