- employees rating
- 雇员: employee
- 考核: examine; check; appraise; as ...
- 飞行人员考核委员会: flying evaluation board
- 潜水员考核发证办法: regulations on examination and certiication for divers
- 考核: examine; check; appraise; assess (sb.'s proficiency) 考核干部 check on cadres; appraise cadres; 定期考核 routine check; 建立考核制度 set up a check-up system; 考核他们的法律知识 examine them upon their knowledge of the laws; 实习生顺利地通过了考核。 the trainees checked out all right.; 考核标准 assessment criteria; 考核成绩 results of rating; 考核企业 make assessments of the performance of each enterprise; examine the economic performance of a factory; appraisal of enterprise performance; 考核制度 a check-up system