

  • can rally nearby troops


        集结:    mass; concentrate; build up
        附近:    nearby; neighbouring
        军队:    armed forces; army; troops; ...
        激励附近军队:    eagle inspires nearby troops
        集结军队:    mass troops
        结附:    attach
        集结:    (聚集) mass; concentrate; build up 集结待命 assemble and await orders; 集结军队 mass troops; concentrate forces; 集结力量 build up strength; 我们大部分兵力集结在车站附近。 most of our forces have concentrated near the station. 一支极其强大的舰队集结在珍珠港。 an enormously powerful fleet was concentrated at pearl harbour.; 集结地域 [军事] assembly area; 集结沉积 consolidation settling; 集结棘爪 gathering pallet; 集结问题 rendezvous problem
        我们大部分兵力集结在车站附近:    most of our forces have concentrated near the station
        军队:    armed forces; army; troops; host 装备军队 equip an army; 编组军队 organize an army; 召集军队 muster in troops; 解散军队 disband troops; 军队建制 military organization; 这支军队打了败仗。 the army sustained a reverse. 没有一个人民的军队, 便没有人民的一切。 without a people's army the people have nothing.; 军队运输舰 troopship
        附近:    1.(靠近某地的) nearby; neighbouring 附近地区 nearby regions; 附近的城市 neighbouring towns; adjacent towns2.(附近的地方) vicinity; proximity; close to; in the vicinity of 住在学校附近 live close to the school; 附近有没有邮局? is there any post office near here
        冰结附魔:    ice enchanted
        冻结附面层:    frozen boundary layer
        大集结:    gba
        集结的:    agglomerate; agglutinate; agglutinative
        集结点:    rally point
        集结号:    assembly.bdrip.xdts 36g; ji jie hao
        集结量:    passenger collecting volume
        集结区:    assembly areas
        集结体:    coenobium
        调军队:    move troops
        冠军队:    champion team
        军队, 陆军:    army
        军队,兵力:    forces
        军队;陆军:    army
        军队的:    legionary; mar


  1. "集结地方"英文
  2. "集结地区"英文
  3. "集结地域"英文
  4. "集结点"英文
  5. "集结点热能成本"英文
  6. "集结号"英文
  7. "集结棘爪"英文
  8. "集结矩阵"英文
  9. "集结军备"英文
  10. "集结军队"英文


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