Secondly , according to the organization & structure and business process of the lining locomotive repair department , the system analyze , design of system database , and the function mode of the system is divided 其次,根据集宁机务段的组织结构和业务流程进行了系统分析、系统数据库设计和系统功能模块的划分,并给出了系统总体设计方案。
Using the method of the software engineering , this thesis is based on the concrete conditions of jining locomotive department and completes the analysis and design of the system . the basic functions of system have been developed 本文主要用软件工程的思想,结合机车检修的具体情况,以呼铁局集宁机务段为实例,对机车检修质量管理信息系统进行了需求分析与系统设计,并实现了主要的系统功能。
The north provenance provided main detrital material , which can be delicately divided into two different sections , taipusiqi , ji ' ning area in the east and zha ' ertai mountain , wula mountain in the middle of yinshan ancient land . the distribution of gas pool in the eastern part of ordos area was obviously controlled by sedimentary facies belts 北物源区提供了主要的碎屑物质,它又可细分为东、西两个不同的部分,分别为阴山古陆东部太仆寺旗、集宁地区和阴山中部的渣尔泰山、乌拉山地区。