

发音:   用"集合并"造句
  • set union


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Collection and select all the listed columns
  2. Will enumerate the collection and serialize each element
  3. Property of each item in the collection
  4. Research of diversity combination in spread ofdm system
  5. Provides a strongly typed collection for


        集合:    gather; assemble; muster; ca ...
        :    combine; merge; incorporate; ...
        分集合并:    diversity combination; diversity combining
        分集合并器:    diversity combiner
        集合并集:    union of set
        不相交集合并:    disjoint set union
        分集合并系统:    diversity combining system
        四重分集合并:    quadruple-diversity combining
        集合经营, 合并经营, 利益共享:    pooling-of-interest
        最大比值平方分集合并法:    maximal ratio square diversity combing method
        合并:    (结合到一起) merge; amalgamate; combine; mesh; coalesce; fold; consolidate; consolidation; combination; merger; mergence; ensemble; fusion; fusing 这三个提议合并讨论。 the three proposals will be discussed together. 三个局合并成两个局。 three bureaus have merged into two. 那两个组织已合并为一个组织。 those two organizations have been amalgamated into single one.; 合并部门 merge departments; 合并程序 merging routine; merge program; 合并处罚 mixed punishment; 合并管辖 amalgamated jurisdiction; 合并收益 consolidated income; consolidated returns; 合并诉讼 amalgamated action; consolidated action; 合并政策 consolidation policy; 合并症 complication; 合并装连 consolidated shipment; 合并作用 amalgamation
        集合:    1.(聚集) gather; assemble; muster; call together 紧急集合 emergency muster; 集合在一起 assemble together; 集合 ! (口令) fall in! 学生在学校礼堂集合。 the pupils assembled in the school hall. 我们七点三刻在饭店门口集合。 we'll gather at the gate of the hotel at a quarter to eight.2.[数学] [自动化] [计算机] assemblage; set; collection; rendezvous; ensemble; aggregation; 集合城市 conurbation; 集合地点 assembling place; 集合点 meeting point; 集合函数 set function; 集合号 bugle call for fall-in; assembly; 集合体 aggregate; plural; complex
        集合!:    Fall in!
        csg合并:    csg merge
        rgb合并:    rgb merging
        (合并)来说:    combine
        包合并:    package merge
        被合并:    merge
        不合并:    nonjoinder
        道合并:    trace merge
        巩固,合并:    consolidation
        合并, 归并:    merging
        合并,并入:    merger
        合并,混合:    incorporate
        合并,联合:    coalesce


  1. "集合报"英文
  2. "集合比特率"英文
  3. "集合编辑器"英文
  4. "集合标识"英文
  5. "集合表示"英文
  6. "集合并集"英文
  7. "集合不足"英文
  8. "集合部署表"英文
  9. "集合采样"英文
  10. "集合参数"英文


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