

发音:   用"集体耕作"造句
  • collective farming
  • 集体:    collective; community; group ...
  • 耕作:    tilth; tillage; cultivation; ...
  • 集体耕种:    collective cultivation
  • 耕作:    tilth; tillage; cultivation; farming 粗放耕作 extensive cultivation; 耕作层 plough layer; arable layer; plough borizon; 耕作法 expedient of tillage; 耕作方法 methods of cultivation; farming methods; 耕作机械 tillage machine; 耕作技术 farming technique; 耕作农具 tillage implements; 耕作熟化层 agrichorizon; 耕作土 [地质学] mold; 耕作土壤 anthropogenic soil; cultivated soil; cropped soil; 耕作土壤改良 cultivational amelioration; 耕作拖拉机 roy-crop tractor; 耕作者 tiller; cultivator
  • 集体:    collective; community; group; team 集体领导, 分工负责 collective leadership with individual responsibility under a division of labour; 战斗的集体 a militant collective; 荣立集体二等功 gain a collecitve award of merit, second class; 集体安全体系 collective security system; 集体财产 collective property; property collectively owned; 集体财产所有人 owners of collective property; 集体承包 be run by a collective under contract; the collectively contracted system; 集体承包经营 contractual operation by a collective; 集体创作 a collective creation; 集体福利 collective welfare; 集体福利事业 collective welfare undertakings;集体观念 collective spirit; 集体交易 collective bargaining; 集体基金 collective fund; 集体经济 collective economy; 集体利益 collective interest; 集体领导 collective leadership; 集体农庄 collective farm; 集体企业 collective enterprise; 集体商业 collective commerce; 集体宿舍 dormitory; 集体所有制 collective ownership; 集体舞 group dancing; 集体消费 collective consumption;集体英雄主义 collective heroism; 集体运动 [物理学] collective motion; 集体治疗 group therapy; 集体主义 collectivism


        集体:    collective; community; group ...
        耕作:    tilth; tillage; cultivation; ...
        集体耕种:    collective cultivation
        耕作:    tilth; tillage; cultivation; farming 粗放耕作 extensive cultivation; 耕作层 plough layer; arable layer; plough borizon; 耕作法 expedient of tillage; 耕作方法 methods of cultivation; farming methods; 耕作机械 tillage machine; 耕作技术 farming technique; 耕作农具 tillage implements; 耕作熟化层 agrichorizon; 耕作土 [地质学] mold; 耕作土壤 anthropogenic soil; cultivated soil; cropped soil; 耕作土壤改良 cultivational amelioration; 耕作拖拉机 roy-crop tractor; 耕作者 tiller; cultivator
        集体:    collective; community; group; team 集体领导, 分工负责 collective leadership with individual responsibility under a division of labour; 战斗的集体 a militant collective; 荣立集体二等功 gain a collecitve award of merit, second class; 集体安全体系 collective security system; 集体财产 collective property; property collectively owned; 集体财产所有人 owners of collective property; 集体承包 be run by a collective under contract; the collectively contracted system; 集体承包经营 contractual operation by a collective; 集体创作 a collective creation; 集体福利 collective welfare; 集体福利事业 collective welfare undertakings;集体观念 collective spirit; 集体交易 collective bargaining; 集体基金 collective fund; 集体经济 collective economy; 集体利益 collective interest; 集体领导 collective leadership; 集体农庄 collective farm; 集体企业 collective enterprise; 集体商业 collective commerce; 集体宿舍 dormitory; 集体所有制 collective ownership; 集体舞 group dancing; 集体消费 collective consumption;集体英雄主义 collective heroism; 集体运动 [物理学] collective motion; 集体治疗 group therapy; 集体主义 collectivism
        大耕作:    grand culture
        耕作, 耕地:    tilth
        耕作,栽培:    cultivate
        耕作,培植:    cultivate
        耕作;培养:    cultivate
        耕作病:    reclamation disease
        耕作层:    arable layer; cultivated horizon; cultivation layer; player; plough horizon; plough layer; plow layer; plowed layer; plowing horizon
        耕作的:    agricultural; geoponic
        耕作地:    cropland; cultivated land; land under cultivation
        耕作法:    expedient of tillage; farming
        耕作坏:    soil-working equipment
        耕作机:    tiller
        耕作区:    crop ped location; cropped location; farming area
        耕作土:    cultured soil
        耕作线:    line of cultivation
        耕作性:    tilth
        耕作者:    cultivator; planter; tiller
        农业, 耕作:    farming
        农业;耕作:    farming
        培养, 耕作:    cultivate



  1. "集体负责规则"英文
  2. "集体负责制"英文
  3. "集体干预, 共同干涉"英文
  4. "集体隔离"英文
  5. "集体耕种"英文
  6. "集体工程项目"英文
  7. "集体工资制"英文
  8. "集体工作"英文
  9. "集体功能"英文
  10. "集体供膳"英文


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