And here we are , on the verge of mass hysteria 我们已经进入了集体性歇斯底里症的边缘
And here we are , on the verge of mass hysteria 我们已经进入了集体性歇斯底里症的边缘
As a self - managing unit , a group has to undertake most of the functions of a group leader - collectively 作为自我管理的个体,团队必须保证实现其最重要的功能-集体性。
Under the preconditions of the collective land ownership , the collectivity as a core of gift mind has been displayed and strengthened 在土地集体所有制前提下,集体性这种礼物精神的核心得到了彰显和强化。
Initiative gets the highest score and in sequence is personal merit , social morality , coordination , collective and self - regardness 各因素平均分大小依次是:进取性、个人美德、公德、协调性、集体性、利己性。