

发音:   用"集体协商"造句
  • collective bargaining


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. An analysis of the collective negotiation system on wages
  2. Management - labor negotiation system for determining employee wages
  3. Negotiation system for determining employee wages
  4. A brief discussion on collective consultation on wages
  5. Problems existing in our system of collective negiotiation and its countermeasures and suggestions


        集体:    collective; community; group ...
        协商:    consult; talk things over
        集体协商的结果:    the products of collective barganing
        青年非政府组织集体协商:    collective consultation of youth ngos
        职工工资集体协商制度:    management-labor negotiation system for determining employee wages; negotiation system for determining employee wages
        集体协议:    collective agreement; collective negotiation
        劳资集体协议:    sector-specific collective agreement on labor relations
        会计团体协商委员会:    consultative committee of accounting bodies
        流离失所群体协商会议:    consultative assembly of uprooted population groups
        受雇人和工会之间的集体协定:    agency shop agreement
        协商:    consulttalk things over
        集体:    collective; community; group; team 集体领导, 分工负责 collective leadership with individual responsibility under a division of labour; 战斗的集体 a militant collective; 荣立集体二等功 gain a collecitve award of merit, second class; 集体安全体系 collective security system; 集体财产 collective property; property collectively owned; 集体财产所有人 owners of collective property; 集体承包 be run by a collective under contract; the collectively contracted system; 集体承包经营 contractual operation by a collective; 集体创作 a collective creation; 集体福利 collective welfare; 集体福利事业 collective welfare undertakings;集体观念 collective spirit; 集体交易 collective bargaining; 集体基金 collective fund; 集体经济 collective economy; 集体利益 collective interest; 集体领导 collective leadership; 集体农庄 collective farm; 集体企业 collective enterprise; 集体商业 collective commerce; 集体宿舍 dormitory; 集体所有制 collective ownership; 集体舞 group dancing; 集体消费 collective consumption;集体英雄主义 collective heroism; 集体运动 [物理学] collective motion; 集体治疗 group therapy; 集体主义 collectivism
        大学体协:    ncaa
        多媒体协作:    mmc multimedia collaboration
        群体协调器:    grouintegrator
        团体协调员:    tour coordinator
        整体协调:    total tune
        职业体协:    major league
        总体协定:    global agreement
        总体协方差:    population covariance
        集体,集体的:    collective
        聚集体;凝集体:    aggregate
        比较,协商:    cf.;cfr. confer
        谈判, 协商:    negotiate about
        谈判,协商:    negotiate; negotiation



  1. "集体效率"英文
  2. "集体效应"英文
  3. "集体效应加速器"英文
  4. "集体效用"英文
  5. "集体歇斯底里"英文
  6. "集体协商的结果"英文
  7. "集体协议"英文
  8. "集体心理"英文
  9. "集体心理学"英文
  10. "集体心理治疗"英文


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