雅: refined; elegant苏: revive; come to披雅苏: phiasouk赛雅苏: sayasouk雅苏拉: jacura古雅苏塔: guyasuta里雅苏台: uliastaj乌里雅苏台: chdzibkhalantu; chzhibgalantu somon; chzhibkhalantu; chzhibkholantu sumu; djibkhlantu; djibkhulantu; dzhibkhalantu; dzhibkholantu; dzhibkhulantu; javhlant; jawkhlant; jibhalanta; jibhalantu; jibholantu; jibhulantu; jibkhalantu; uliassutai; uliastaj; uliastay; uliyassutai; uljassutai; uljasutai; ulyaasatay; ulyasutay; uriyasutai雅苏塔寺: wat lokayasutha拉西雅苏坦托: lassiyah sutanto乌里雅苏台河: uliastay gol内蒙乌里雅苏台: uliastai雅松: jason雅巳: masami雅俗标准: decency standard雅嗣: masatsugu雅俗共赏: suit [appeal to] both refined and popular taste; admired by scholars and laymen alike; appeal to all; appeal to both the more and the less cultured; be enjoyed by both the more and the less cultured; be enjoyed by the refined and vulgar alike; both the refined and the vulgar can appreciate it.; for the enjoyment of both scholars [the educated] and the common people; highbrows and lowbrows alike can enjoy it.; it gives pleasure to all.; the uneducated as well as the educated can read it.: 怎样才能雅俗共赏才好。 let's find sth. that highbrows and lowbrows alike can enjoy雅丝明・华沙美: yasmin warsame雅索: jassaud; jasseau雅丝兰黛: estee lauder