Yami tribesmen from orchid island paddle their traditional handmade boat on the keelung river in taipei july 31 , 2007 雅美族原住民七月三十一日从兰屿划著手造的拼板船一路航至基隆河。
For each of these tribes , he provided a detailed examination of its clan structure , religious beliefs and economic life . in 1982 , at the request of the government , professor li launched an anthropological field study and assessed the kaoshan tribal policies then in force 其中包括邵族、排湾族、平埔族、雅美族、泰雅族、阿美族等各土著族群,对他们的家族部落、宗教信仰、经济生活,都作了详细的纪录和分析。