

  • hard processing channel black


        :    catastrophe; calamity; disas ...
        加工:    process; machining; working; ...
        :    trough; manger
        中等加工槽黑:    medium processing channel black
        刀很难加工:    yg
        刀较难加工:    yg
        难加工材料:    difficult-to-machine material; hard-to-cut material
        难加工合金:    difficult-to-cut alloy
        难加工性:    unworkability; unworkableness
        难加工的材料:    difficult to machine material; to machine material
        难加工 难控制 难治的:    intractable
        难加工金属材料的切削:    machining of difficult-to-cut metals
        人工槽:    manual slot
        化工槽罐:    chemical tank
        导电槽黑:    conductive channel black
        混气槽黑:    gas-mixture channel black
        天然气槽黑:    natural gas-based channel black
        瓦斯槽黑:    channel gas black; gas channel black
        直接代槽黑:    direct channel replacement black
        凫胫难加:    it is hard to lengthen a duck's leg.; one should be content with what one has
        活性炭人工槽:    activated charcoal artificial cell
        中流动性槽黑:    medium flow channel black
        中着色力槽黑:    medium color channel black
        中高着色力槽黑:    medium high color black
        加工:    (对原材料、半成品等做各种工作, 使符合规定要求) process; machining; working; handling; treating; in-process; fabrication 机加工 machining; 冷加工 cold working; 加工中草药 process medicinal herbs; 工业加工 industrial processing; 来料加工 processing of investor's raw materials; processing raw materials on client's demands; 来样加工 processing according to investor's samples; 食品加工 food processing; 艺术加工 artistic treatment; 影片加工 film process; 用全新的方法把废纸加工成新闻纸 manufacture newsprint waste paper under an entirely new process; 加工厂 fabrication plant; processing factory; 加工成本 finished cost; 加工程序 job gram; job sequence; workpiece programme;加工船 factory ship; 加工方法 job operation; processing method; 加工费 processing charges; machining cost; 加工工业 processing industries; 加工留量 allowance; allowance for finish; finishing allowance; 加工贸易 processing trade; improvement trade; 加工能力 working ability; 加工硬度 workhardness; 加工周期 process-cycle; processing cycle


  1. "难击毁的目标"英文
  2. "难挤压合金"英文
  3. "难记的词"英文
  4. "难加工 难控制 难治的"英文
  5. "难加工材料"英文
  6. "难加工的材料"英文
  7. "难加工合金"英文
  8. "难加工金属材料的切削"英文
  9. "难加工性"英文
  10. "难驾驶船"英文


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