

  • tunnel lining
  • 隧道:    tunnel; tunneling; tunnellin ...
  • :    hole; cavity
  • :    line; place sth. underneath
  • :    opera
  • 隧道(洞):    tunnel


        隧道:    tunnel; tunneling; tunnellin ...
        :    hole; cavity
        :    line; place sth. underneath
        :    opera
        隧道(洞):    tunnel
        隧道(洞)围岩:    tunnel surrounding rock
        衬砌隧道:    trimmed tunnel
        全衬砌隧道:    fully lined tunnel
        隧道衬砌:    lining of tunnel; tunnel lining; tunnel-liner
        隧道衬砌机:    tunnel liner; tunnel lining machine
        未衬砌隧道:    rough tunnel
        隧道衬砌钢板:    steel tunnel liner plate
        圆形隧道衬砌:    circular tunnel lining
        :    Ⅰ名词(物体上穿通的或凹入较深的部分; 窟窿; 洞穴) hole; cavity 山洞 mountain cave; 在地上挖一个深洞 dig a deep hole in the ground; 点着的香烟在他衣服上烧了一个洞。 a lighted cigarette burned a hole in his clothes.Ⅱ形容词(深远; 透彻) profound; thorough; clear 洞识虚实 have a thorough understanding of the actual situation (as of the opposing side)
        预制混凝土衬砌隧道:    precast concrete lined tunnel
        衬砌:    lining; tunnel ling
        洞,腔:    cavern
        洞、孔:    hole
        洞,坑:    hole n
        腔, 洞:    cavum
        隧道:    tunnel; tunneling; tunnelling; chunnel; drive 铁路隧道 a railway tunnel; 在河底下挖掘隧道 tunnel a river; 在山里开隧道 tunnel a hill; 隧道测量 tunnel survey; 隧道电缆 tunnel cable; 隧道洞口棚架 head-house; 隧道洞口设施 equipment of tunnel portal; 隧道干燥机 tunnel drier; 隧道钢支护 [采矿工程] steel tunnel support; 隧道工 sandhog; 隧道工程 tunneling; 隧道工作 tunneling; tunnelling; 隧道管 [电子学] tunneltron; 隧道 (竖)井 tunnel shaft; 隧道掘进机 tunnel borer; tunnel(l)er; tunneling machine; 隧道掘井机 tunneler; 隧道开挖 tunnel excavation; 隧道开挖车 tunnel carriage; 隧道口 portal; 隧道炉 continuous tunnel furnace; 隧道模施工 tunnel form construction; 隧道模型 tunnel model; 隧道模板 tunnel form; 隧道全面开挖 [土] full-face tunneling; 隧道三极管 tunnel triode; 隧道水力学 tunnel hydraulics; 隧道通风 tunnel ventilation; 隧道挖出土方 tunnel muck; 隧道维护 tunnel maintenance; 隧道无轨掘进 trackless tunneling; 隧道效应 [电子学] tunnel effect-tunneling; tunnelling; tunnel effect; 隧道效应元件 tunnel effect element; 隧道窑 tunnel furnace; 隧道阴极 tunnel cathode; 隧道支护 tunnel support
        洞,孔,开口:    opening
        洞,穴,空腔:    cavity
        洞;孔眼,裂开处:    hole
        后9洞:    back nine


  1. "隧穿模"英文
  2. "隧道"英文
  3. "隧道,地道"英文
  4. "隧道(穿)"英文
  5. "隧道(洞)"英文
  6. "隧道(洞)围岩"英文
  7. "隧道(式);烟道;坑道"英文
  8. "隧道,山洞"英文
  9. "隧道;下通路"英文
  10. "隧道安全"英文


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