

发音:   用"障碍隔离"造句
  • fault isolation
  • 障碍:    hinder; obstruct; rub; bar; ...
  • 隔离:    keep apart; isolate; segrega ...
  • 隔离障碍:    sovereignty nuisance
  • 障碍最低隔离高度:    minimum obstruction clearance altitude
  • 隔离:    keep apart; isolate; segregate; isolation; isolated; apartheid; enclosure; enisle; severance; segregation; solitary 被隔离检疫 be put under quarantine; 隔离病人 isolate the patients; 隔离审查 take sb. into custody and put him under investigation; (put sb. under) isolated examination; 种族隔离 racial segregation; apartheid; 隔离棒 spacer rod; [冶金学] spacer strip; 隔离壁 dividing wall; 隔离病室 isolation ward; 隔离舱 cofferdam; 隔离层 separation layer; 隔离车 runner wagon; 隔离衬套 dividing bushing; 隔离带 isolation belt; 隔离导线 code wire; 隔离电路 buffer circuit; 隔离电压 isolation voltage; 隔离伐 severance cutting; 隔离阀 section valve; 隔离法 isolation method; 隔离工艺 isolation technology; 隔离壕 isolation moat; 隔离集 [数学] separated set; 隔离剂 isolating agent; 隔离检验 [工业] isolation test; 隔离开关 isolator; isolating link; disconnecting switch; disconnector; isolating switch; 隔离扩散 isolation diffusion; 隔离膜片 isolation diaphragm; 隔离幕 parclose; 隔离片 spacing block; 隔离屏障 isolation barrier; 隔离器 liner; segregating unit; isolator; 隔离区 isolation region; 隔离圈 cage ring; spacing ring; 隔离室 insulator; isolation ward; 隔离饲养 isolated rearing; 隔离医院 isolation hospital; 隔离罩 [机械工程] cage; shielding can; 隔离诊断 isolation diagnostic; 隔离装置 buffer; 隔离子 separant; 隔离作用 buffer action; buffer function


        障碍:    hinder; obstruct; rub; bar; ...
        隔离:    keep apart; isolate; segrega ...
        隔离障碍:    sovereignty nuisance
        障碍最低隔离高度:    minimum obstruction clearance altitude
        隔离:    keep apart; isolate; segregate; isolation; isolated; apartheid; enclosure; enisle; severance; segregation; solitary 被隔离检疫 be put under quarantine; 隔离病人 isolate the patients; 隔离审查 take sb. into custody and put him under investigation; (put sb. under) isolated examination; 种族隔离 racial segregation; apartheid; 隔离棒 spacer rod; [冶金学] spacer strip; 隔离壁 dividing wall; 隔离病室 isolation ward; 隔离舱 cofferdam; 隔离层 separation layer; 隔离车 runner wagon; 隔离衬套 dividing bushing; 隔离带 isolation belt; 隔离导线 code wire; 隔离电路 buffer circuit; 隔离电压 isolation voltage; 隔离伐 severance cutting; 隔离阀 section valve; 隔离法 isolation method; 隔离工艺 isolation technology; 隔离壕 isolation moat; 隔离集 [数学] separated set; 隔离剂 isolating agent; 隔离检验 [工业] isolation test; 隔离开关 isolator; isolating link; disconnecting switch; disconnector; isolating switch; 隔离扩散 isolation diffusion; 隔离膜片 isolation diaphragm; 隔离幕 parclose; 隔离片 spacing block; 隔离屏障 isolation barrier; 隔离器 liner; segregating unit; isolator; 隔离区 isolation region; 隔离圈 cage ring; spacing ring; 隔离室 insulator; isolation ward; 隔离饲养 isolated rearing; 隔离医院 isolation hospital; 隔离罩 [机械工程] cage; shielding can; 隔离诊断 isolation diagnostic; 隔离装置 buffer; 隔离子 separant; 隔离作用 buffer action; buffer function
        障碍:    1.(阻碍) hinder; obstruct; rub; bar; stick2.(阻挡前进的东西) obstacle; obstruction; barrier; roadblock; impediment 清除障碍 clear away obstacles; 制造障碍 erect barriers; create obstacles; 障碍船 blockship; 障碍区 diked area; 障碍赛跑 steeplechase; obstacle race
        (情绪)隔离:    isolation (of affect)
        被隔离:    be kept away from; be under quarantine
        泵隔离:    pumisolation
        槽隔离:    groove isolation
        反隔离:    desegregation
        分离,隔离:    segregation
        隔绝,隔离:    seclude
        隔离, 隐退:    seclusion
        隔离,分离:    sequestration
        隔离板:    division board
        隔离棒:    spacer rod; spacer strip
        隔离比:    isolation
        隔离壁:    dividing wall
        隔离表:    segregation table
        隔离舱:    cofferdam
        隔离沧:    cofferdam tank
        隔离槽:    isolation channel; isolation groove
        隔离层:    contact inhibitor; insulating course; insulating layer; insulation course; isolated layer; isolating course; isolating layer; isolation layer; layer of insulation; layer of nonconducting materials; seal; separate layer; separating course; separator; spacer
        隔离车:    runner wagon


  1. "障碍感"英文
  2. "障碍感觉"英文
  3. "障碍高度与车轮直径比"英文
  4. "障碍高尔夫"英文
  5. "障碍高尔夫球运动"英文
  6. "障碍观察程序"英文
  7. "障碍观察动作"英文
  8. "障碍观察转弯"英文
  9. "障碍规"英文
  10. "障碍海滩"英文


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