

  • isolate
  • 隔离:    keep apart; isolate; segrega ...
  • 使:    send; tell sb. to do sth.
  • 孤立:    isolated; solitary; separate
  • 使孤立使隔离:    isolate
  • 使孤立:    deracinate; enisle; insulate; island; isolate; seclude


        隔离:    keep apart; isolate; segrega ...
        使:    send; tell sb. to do sth.
        孤立:    isolated; solitary; separate
        使孤立使隔离:    isolate
        使孤立:    deracinate; enisle; insulate; island; isolate; seclude
        关掉, 切断, 使隔绝, 使隔离, 使孤立, 脱离:    shut sth off
        切去,割掉;切断;使孤立:    cut off
        隔离,孤立,隐居:    seclude
        隔离,孤立;绝缘:    insulate
        隔离,孤立的:    isolated
        隔离的,孤立的:    isolated
        孤立:    1.(与其它事物不相联系) isolated; solitary; separate 处境孤立 find oneself in an isolated position; 不要孤立地考虑这些事实。 don't consider the facts in isolation from others.2.(使得不到同情、支援) isolate; seclude 孤立敌人 isolate the enemy; 孤立案件 isolated case; 孤立病灶 solitary sick point; 孤立点 isolated point; acnode; 孤立电荷 monopole; 孤立细胞 autoblast; 孤立性 isolatism; 孤立语 isolating language; 孤立主义 isolationism; 孤立主义者 isolationist
        隔离:    keep apart; isolate; segregate; isolation; isolated; apartheid; enclosure; enisle; severance; segregation; solitary 被隔离检疫 be put under quarantine; 隔离病人 isolate the patients; 隔离审查 take sb. into custody and put him under investigation; (put sb. under) isolated examination; 种族隔离 racial segregation; apartheid; 隔离棒 spacer rod; [冶金学] spacer strip; 隔离壁 dividing wall; 隔离病室 isolation ward; 隔离舱 cofferdam; 隔离层 separation layer; 隔离车 runner wagon; 隔离衬套 dividing bushing; 隔离带 isolation belt; 隔离导线 code wire; 隔离电路 buffer circuit; 隔离电压 isolation voltage; 隔离伐 severance cutting; 隔离阀 section valve; 隔离法 isolation method; 隔离工艺 isolation technology; 隔离壕 isolation moat; 隔离集 [数学] separated set; 隔离剂 isolating agent; 隔离检验 [工业] isolation test; 隔离开关 isolator; isolating link; disconnecting switch; disconnector; isolating switch; 隔离扩散 isolation diffusion; 隔离膜片 isolation diaphragm; 隔离幕 parclose; 隔离片 spacing block; 隔离屏障 isolation barrier; 隔离器 liner; segregating unit; isolator; 隔离区 isolation region; 隔离圈 cage ring; spacing ring; 隔离室 insulator; isolation ward; 隔离饲养 isolated rearing; 隔离医院 isolation hospital; 隔离罩 [机械工程] cage; shielding can; 隔离诊断 isolation diagnostic; 隔离装置 buffer; 隔离子 separant; 隔离作用 buffer action; buffer function
        隔绝,孤立:    insulation
        孤立波:    single wave; solitary wave; soliton; wave, solitary
        孤立岛:    detached island
        孤立的:    detached; discrete; isolating; isoliert isolated; lonely; solitarius; solitary
        孤立点:    acnode; islet; isolated point
        孤立国:    isolated state; isolatedstate
        孤立礁:    detached reef; detached rock; isolated reef; isolated rock
        孤立群:    isolated group
        孤立色:    unrelated colour
        孤立肾:    solitary kidney
        孤立体:    free body
        孤立涡:    isolated vortex


  1. "隔篱有眼,隔墙有耳"英文
  2. "隔离"英文
  3. "隔离 隔离作用 隔振 离伐 离析 分离"英文
  4. "隔离, 隐退"英文
  5. "隔离,隔离舱组(油轮)"英文
  6. "隔离,分开分离"英文
  7. "隔离,分离"英文
  8. "隔离,孤立,隐居"英文
  9. "隔离,孤立;绝缘"英文
  10. "隔离,孤立的"英文


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