

发音:   用"隔热箱"造句
  • hot box
  • lagged tank
  • 隔热:    heat insulation; heat protec ...
  • :    chest; box; case; trunk
  • 真空隔热箱:    vacuum-insulated tank
  • 隔热:    heat insulation; heat protection◇隔热板 felt; 隔热材料 thermal insulation material; heat-barrier material; heat-protection material; thermal-protective material; 隔热舱 insulated hold; 隔热层 thermal-protective coating; 隔热衬垫 insulation blanket; 隔热构造 thermal insulation construction; 隔热耐火材料 fireclay insulating refractory; insulating refractory; 隔热屏 heat screen; heat shield; 隔热漆 thermal insulating coating; 隔热水幕 water cooled bulkhead; 隔热套 collet; 隔热涂料 insulating mould coating; 隔热箱 hot box; 隔热性 thermal insulation; 隔热罩 heat shield; thermal shroud; thermally-insulated shroud; 隔热纸 sheathing paper; 隔热砖 insulating brick
  • 电热箱:    heater case


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Thermal insulation - determination of steady - state thermal transmission properties - calibrated and guarded hot box
  2. Thermal performance of windows , doors and shutters - determination of thermal transmittance by hot box method - frames
  3. Thermal performance of buildings - determination of thermal resistance by hot box method using heat flow meter - masonry
  4. Standard test method for measuring the steady - state thermal transmittance of fenestration systems using hot box methods
  5. En iso 8990 thermal insulation . determination of steady - state thermal transmission properties . calibrated and guarded hot box


        隔热:    heat insulation; heat protec ...
        :    chest; box; case; trunk
        真空隔热箱:    vacuum-insulated tank
        隔热:    heat insulation; heat protection◇隔热板 felt; 隔热材料 thermal insulation material; heat-barrier material; heat-protection material; thermal-protective material; 隔热舱 insulated hold; 隔热层 thermal-protective coating; 隔热衬垫 insulation blanket; 隔热构造 thermal insulation construction; 隔热耐火材料 fireclay insulating refractory; insulating refractory; 隔热屏 heat screen; heat shield; 隔热漆 thermal insulating coating; 隔热水幕 water cooled bulkhead; 隔热套 collet; 隔热涂料 insulating mould coating; 隔热箱 hot box; 隔热性 thermal insulation; 隔热罩 heat shield; thermal shroud; thermally-insulated shroud; 隔热纸 sheathing paper; 隔热砖 insulating brick
        电热箱:    heater case
        废热箱:    waste heat box
        光热箱:    photothermal cabinet
        恒热箱:    thermostat
        加热箱:    heater box; heater casing; heating boxes
        绝热箱:    thermal-insulated tank
        均热箱:    soaking pot
        量热箱:    calorimeter box
        保温箱, 绝热箱:    insulated cabinet
        保温箱;绝热箱:    insulated cabinet
        电热箱浴:    electric cabinet bath
        电子冷热箱:    cw1-4l; he-025; he-028d
        光热发热箱:    luminous heat fever cabinet
        过热箱支座:    superheater header support
        空调发热箱:    air conditioned fever cabinet
        热水蓄热箱:    hot water accumulator
        热箱烘布机:    cell drying machine
        热箱压铸:    hot-chamber die casting
        散热箱盖:    radiator caps
        式冷热箱:    blcw-10d
        行动冷热箱:    ch-216


  1. "隔热屋顶"英文
  2. "隔热物"英文
  3. "隔热系数"英文
  4. "隔热纤维板"英文
  5. "隔热纤维材料"英文
  6. "隔热性"英文
  7. "隔热性能"英文
  8. "隔热性能良好的房子"英文
  9. "隔热油管"英文
  10. "隔热罩"英文


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