" grave goods " comprising pottery and stone artefacts were found 墓中均有随葬品,包括有陶器及石器。
Tai , proves that the region was inhabited by the ancestors of human beings five hundred thousand years ago 考古资料证明,河南许多地方发现的相当多的墓葬,随葬品都是大汶口时代的。
Court astrolgeres during the chou dynasty 1045 - 255 b . c . . in any event , it is generally agreed that go is 湖南省湘阴县挖掘出一座唐代古墓,随葬品里有围棋盘一件,大小呈正方形,纵横各十五道。
There are five pottery pots , of which four are complete and attributed to jin dynasty ad 265 - 420 . completeness of pottery pots implies they might be burial objects 陶罐有5件,其中4件完整,经初步研究,应为晋代(公元265至420年)文物,可能是墓葬的随葬品。
Potters of the three kingdoms period 220 - 265 created a popular style of pot made in the image of a chicken that was used for storing and serving wine and sometimes as a burial object 220 - 265已有鸡首壶的出现,壶上贴鸡头和鸡尾,当作酒器使用,亦有作随葬品的。
随葬: be buried with the dead◇随葬物[品] funerary objects; burial articles葬品: burial articles随葬物: burial articles陪葬品: funeral objects殉葬品: sacrificial object随枣会战: battle of suixian-zaoyang随运动而变的阻力: motion-dependent resistance force随照失宗: but to pursue appearances is to miss the source随缘乐助: donate according to the situation; give assistance as [to the extent] one can afford; subscribe a sum no matter how much随诊制度: follow-up system随缘: let it be; yatha-pratyata随振幅而变化的内摩擦: amplitude-dependent internal friction随员,照管者: attendant