随机: random stochastic; random行动: move about; get about随机行为: random behavior待机行动: readiness for action反危机行动: counter cyclical action投石机行动: operation catapult随机行走指标: random walk index有理随机行为: rational random behavior自避随机行走模型: self avoiding walk model随机化行动: act of randomization随机行事, 无计划地进行: play it by ear随机: random stochasticrandom(口)见机行事: play it by ear乘机行事: act as soon as an opportunity offers itselfMake hay while the sun shines.动机行为: motivational behavior宏益电机行: hong yih electric co计算机行话: computerese计算机行骗: computer fraud见机行事: act according to circumstances; act as circumstances dictate; act as the occasion demands; act on seeing an opportunity; adapt oneself to circumstances; do as one sees fit; profit by the occasion; see one's chance and act; use one's own judgment and do what one deemed best起重机行车: crane trolley投机行为: o ortunistic practice; opportunistic practice推钢机行程: pusher stroke相机行事: act when the time is opportune; act according to circumstances; act as the occasion demands; do as one sees fit; take care of the matter as chance offers itself压力机行程: stroke of a press行动: 1.(行走; 走动) move about; get about 行动不便 have difficulty getting about; 行动缓慢 move slowly; be slow-moving2.(为实现某种意图而活动) act; take action 行动起来 go into action; 行动果断 put one's foot down; 行动小组 action group; 采取行动 take action; begin to act; 正义行动 act of justice; 他没有按我的命令行动。 he did not act upon my order. 让行动来说话吧。 say it with action.3.(行为; 举动) action; operation; behaviour 军事行动 military operations; 实际行动 actual deeds