The formula of the new algorithm to solve random phase shift is induced in this paper in detail . the validity of this algorithm has been demonstrated by means of compute simulation 本文推导了新算法的计算公式,详细说明了随机相移误差的求解过程,给出了计算机模拟实验的结果。
This method assumes that each inteferogram has an identical phase shift that can be found out by least - suqares fitting . this algorithm determines any errors of phase shifts deviating from their i ntended values and also suppresses the errors by substituting actual values in subsequent computation . the algorithm can solve the problem of random phase - shifting very accurately , but the algorithm needs a great of iteration number and considerable calculation In - bokkong等人从同一干涉图中诸象素相移量相等这一认识出发,提出求解各干涉图的相移量的方法, in - bokkong的算法是通过交替求解相位分布和相移量来进行的一种迭代算法,这种方法可以解决随机相移误差问题,且有很高的精度,但迭代次数较多,计算量较大。
Phase - shifting errors have a great influence on the measuring - accuracy . a few of algorithms have been developed to solve linear phase - shifting errors , but ca n ' t solve the problem of random phase - shifting errors . an iterative least - squares fitting method has been proposed by in - bok kang to solve random phase shift errors in each interferogram 在这种方法中相移的误差对测量结果的准确性有较大影响,虽然已经出现了不少算法能解决线性相移误差,但要解决相移过程中的随机相移误差问题,还存在一定的困难。
A new random phase - shifting correction algorithm is presented in this paper on the basis of five - step phase - shifting . it can directly solve the value of phase - shifting errors without solving phase . meanwhile , the new algorithm can greatly decrease the iteration number and calculation without depressing the measurement accuracy 本文的重点在于提出一种新的随机相移误差的校正算法,在传统五步相移的基础上不需要求解相位分布,通过合理的近似处理可以直接求解相移过程中存在的随机相移误差,在保证精度的情况下,能大大减少迭代次数和计算量。