

发音:   用"随意做事"造句
  • do things in an aimless way spend time playing
  • 随意:    at will; as one pleases; fre ...
  • 做事:    handle affairs; do a deed; a ...
  • 照自己主意做事:    act uto one's opinions
  • 做事:    1.(从事某种工作或处理某件事情) handle affairs; do a deed; act 做事彻底 do sth. up brown; 做事得手 work smoothly; 做事敏捷 quick and efficient; 做事周到 do sth. up brown2.(工作) work; have a job
  • 随意:    at will; as one pleases; free rein; ad lib; ad libitum 随意操纵某人 wind sb. round one's (little) finger; 随意处理 leave sth. to one's discretion; 随意所之 go anywhere as one pleases; 随意选择 make one's own choice; 请随意 ! help yourselves, plesase! 你可以随意行事。 you are at liberty to do as you please.; 随意偿还 optional redemption; 随意过帐 random posting; 随意取样 grab sample; 随意停机 request stop; 随意消除 optional suppression; 随意消费 optional consumption; 随意营业时间 random-order service; 随意涨价 wilful inflation of prices


  1. They don ' t make mistakes . they don ' t do random
  2. Men can do nothing without its permission , and it fastens its young round people ' s wrists so that everywhere men go they are still under its control


        随意:    at will; as one pleases; fre ...
        做事:    handle affairs; do a deed; a ...
        照自己主意做事:    act uto one's opinions
        做事:    1.(从事某种工作或处理某件事情) handle affairs; do a deed; act 做事彻底 do sth. up brown; 做事得手 work smoothly; 做事敏捷 quick and efficient; 做事周到 do sth. up brown2.(工作) work; have a job
        随意:    at will; as one pleases; free rein; ad lib; ad libitum 随意操纵某人 wind sb. round one's (little) finger; 随意处理 leave sth. to one's discretion; 随意所之 go anywhere as one pleases; 随意选择 make one's own choice; 请随意 ! help yourselves, plesase! 你可以随意行事。 you are at liberty to do as you please.; 随意偿还 optional redemption; 随意过帐 random posting; 随意取样 grab sample; 随意停机 request stop; 随意消除 optional suppression; 随意消费 optional consumption; 随意营业时间 random-order service; 随意涨价 wilful inflation of prices
        故意做:    bother; contrive
        乐意做:    be willing to
        有意做……:    mean to do
        愿意做:    show willing 主要的问题是是否愿意做, 至于成功与否倒没关系。 the great thing is to show willing; whether you succeed or not does not matter
        不做事:    do nothing
        来做事:    work to do
        故意做某事:    do sth. by intention
        介意做某事:    mind doing sth
        乐意做某事:    be willing to do sth
        随便做……,任意做……:    feel free to do sth
        同意做某事:    agree to do sth
        愿意要;愿意做:    care for
        愿意做某事:    be content to do sth; be willing to do something; be willing/ready to do sth
        注意做到:    see to it
        准备做,乐意做:    be ready to
        不随意:    nonvoluntary; involuntary◇不随意肌 [生理学] involuntary muscle; 不随意注意 nonvoluntary attention
        请随意:    make yourself at home
        请随意!:    Help yourselves,plesase!
        任意,随意:    at will
        随意, 任意:    at will


  1. "随意转船"英文
  2. "随意转向"英文
  3. "随意组合的合伙"英文
  4. "随意组合方石板路"英文
  5. "随意最大通气量"英文
  6. "随因反应"英文
  7. "随因负性变化"英文
  8. "随因强化"英文
  9. "随应力变形"英文
  10. "随迎角变化的"英文


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