- extempore prayer
- 随口: speak thoughtlessly; speak w ...
- 祈祷: pray; say one's prayers; sup ...
- 随口: speak thoughtlessly [casually]; speak without thinking [consideration]; blurt out whatever comes into one's head 刚才我随口说了句开玩笑的话, 你千万别介意。 i just made a joke without thinking. please don't take it to heart
- 祈祷: pray; say one's prayers; supplicate 临终时的祈祷 commendation of the soul; 正在祈祷 be at one's prayer; 祈祷椅 faldstool; 祈祷大法会 grand summons ceremony
- 随口答应: promise at once without hesitation; say ""yes"" absentmindedly; agree without thinking